Sorry for ot posting since I got to Berlin. I've been having serious problems with getting internet access. They student accomodation i'm in only has 10 computers for a couple 100 students which makes it quite hard to get anything done. And then when I do find a free one, all the keyböards are in German and really sticky, and I find myself constantly hitting the wrong keys or searching for the y button which is where the z usually is!! And then there's all the ö and the ä and the ü to figure out as well. And don't get me started on the ß's!!!
But apart from that everythings great. I've settled in better and faster than I tought I would. The first few days were hectic enough with getting contracts signed and registering with different people but once that all died down it's just like home, except in German. My accomodation is grand, a tad small at times but it as everything I need, well nearly!! It consists of a room that has my bed, wardrobe, shelves and desk. In the hallway bit is the kitchen. Thats the onöy downside as the kitchen doesn't have an oven so no frozen pizza for a while. Then there's a door that leads to the bathroom.
I'm living in an area called Biesdorf in East Berlin. There's a train station nearby so we can get pretty much anywhere from there. There's not a whole lot around the dorms but luckily there is a supermarket next door. The dorms have a few nice features like a small gym, laundry room, computer room and a photolab, if the fancy takes you!!
I'm gonnä cut this one short cause i'm hank (Hank = Hank Marvin = Starvin, i've been reading Ross O'Carroll Kelly and it kinda rubs off on you!!). I should be getting wireless in my room so when i do i'll be able to use my laptop and add photos and maps and other fun stuff. Till then!!
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