Sunday, June 11, 2006

All quiet.

It's very quiet at the minute. Nothing exciting has been happening recently really. Just enjoying the sunshine in the garden.

We had a BBQ last night with the neighbours from next door. It was the maiden BBQ in the new garden and the first of many probably. We stayed out till about midnight or so. But it eventually got too cold and we really couldn't see each other cause it was getting so dark!!

Getting my results now on Tuesday at 4.00pm so the nerves are startin to kick in a bit. It shouldn't be too bad cause i'll be busy literally till then so it'll take my mind off them at least!

I'll let you know when i get them. Have to start packing soon for Alabama, leaving on Sunday, or is it Monday? Probably should check that out! Its mad how the weeks are flyin by! Anyway, i'll talk to you soon!!!

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