Just finished my first week as a FHTW student and overall it was pretty god. Now this wasn't your stereotypical week and I doubt i'll ever have one like it again. It started fairly slowly. I didn't realise my German Language lectures didn't start till next week so I wasted most of Monday waiting around in college fo nothing. Tuesday on the otherhand was a full 10-5 day. Started with a bit of International Management and finished with an intro to my Corporate Finance course. Both are set to be pretty interesting as i've never really done either before.
Wednesday had to be the highlight of the week though!! The 3rd of October was German Re-unification Day so it was basically like a midweek bank holiday. So instead of lectures we headed down to the Brandenburg Gate for a massive free concert, courtesy of Coca Cola. Now all the acts were in German but the atmosphere was great and over half a million to a million people were there!!
After that we went for a few drinks in an Aussie pub run by Germans (kinda weird) and headed back to the dorms. Thursday was fairly quiet. The first lecture on a Thursday, Innovation and New Technology, doesn't start for another 2 weeks so I wasn't in till 5 when I had Cross Border Invetments and Taxation. What that, you might ask?? Well I don't really know, but I plan to by January!!!
So thats week 1 down, only 16 odd more to go!! We're planning a trip to a lakeland area in west Berlin tomorrow so i'll let ya know how that goes. Gotta run so i'll post again when I can!!
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