The museum interior.
After that then I walked for a few minutes and found myself at:
The Victory Column.
This is one of my favourite features of Berlin. Built in the 1870s to commemorate a number of victories by the Prussian Army, its been a favourite of Berliners ever since. It was originally placed in front of the Reichstag but was luckily moved by the Nazis in the 30's, otherwise it would've been destroyed in the war. It stands around 67 meters high and you can walk to the very top. Its A LOT of stairs but its worth it!!
The Chick on a Stick
A view from the top!!!
Since then i've had my five exams. I just finished today so I can finally relax!! There's a leaving party on tonight for everyone who's leaving in the next few weeks. Should be fun!!! I have only six days left in Berlin which is a bit scary to be honest. Where did the last 5 months go!?!?!
Well, i'm going to make the most of my last six days and see and do everything I still have yet to do. I better get to it so!!!!
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