The flight to New York took just under 5 hours but they had a new entertainment system on the plane so I had great fun. the little screen in the headrest in front of me had loads of stuff to keep you occupied and I didn't notice the time go by. I had a 3 hour stoppover in New York which was much needed. When I checked in in San Diego the lady couldn't get me a seat for the New York flight but gave me a seat request slip. I was a tad worried as I wasn't guaranteed a seat and might have to spend some time in JFK. But luckily when I got there, I nussled up to the front of the queue and was told that all they had left was a window seat in the emergency exit aisle, which was ironically exactly what I wanted!! The flight home to Dublin was around 6 hours but seeing how I didn't go to bed the night before I left, I slept the whole way home.
Since then i've been at home in Blayney. I had the weekend to recover and since then i've been in Castlecool with Dad doing bits and pieces. Its nice to be somewhere clean and not having to guess where that weird smell is coming from and if where its coming from is still alive or dead. Oh and a real bed is nice as well. Not to mention the food!! Most of the people I was living with are home now as well. About 10 of the 30 are staying on but the rest are either home or coming home in the next few days. I'll be uploading the pictures to Flickr so i'll put a link up when i'm finished sorting through them.
Other than that there's not much else to tell. I finished the new Harry Potter book and was quite happy with it. Also went to see the Simpsons movie and was quite happy with it as well. Anyway, i'll get stuck into these photos and put a link up.
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